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Hawaii Flower Lei Delivery Rates & Times

Get the Lowest Priority Shipping Rate in the Industry


U.S. Mainland Delivery

FedEx Priority Delivery
Fastest shipping available. Gets to the West Coast in less than a day, East Coast in a day and a half.
* $49
FedEx Priority Saturday Delivery * $59

* Estimated shipping for 1-4 leis – each lei above this quantity will increase the shipping cost by a few dollars. 


Canada Delivery

FedEx International Priority Delivery
Takes 3 days in transit (recommend only durable leis)

* Estimated shipping for 1-4 leis – each lei above this quantity will increase the shipping cost by a few dollars. 


Local Hawaii Delivery

FedEx Priority Hawaii Delivery
Overnight delivery anywhere in the State of Hawaii.

* Estimated shipping for 1-4 leis – each lei above this quantity will increase the shipping cost by a few dollars. 

Hand Delivery In Honolulu
Monday-Friday delivery by 4pm. Limited delivery area:  96701, 96782, 96813, 96814, 96815, 96817, 96819, 96822, 96826, 96850

* Flat rate for any size order.


Local Pick-Up

Pre-Order and Pick Up
Monday-Friday 10am-4pm pick-up near HNL Airport. Directions sent via email upon placing an order.