Hawaiian Phrases
Want to say it in Hawaiian? Here are some common Hawaiian phrases and sayings to help you do just that:
All my love: Aloha Nui Loa
Congratulations: Ho’omaika’i ‘ana
Fair winds and following seas: Makani ‘olu’olu e kai malie
Good Luck: Pomaika’i
Happy Anniversary: Hau’oli La Ho’omana’o
Happy Birthday: Hau’oli La Hanau
Happy Father’s Day: Hau’oli La Makuakane
Happy Mother’s Day: Hau’oli La Makuahine
Hello, Goodbye or Love: Aloha
I am glad to have you in my life: Hau’oli wau aia oe ma Ko’u ola
I love you: Aloha au ia ‘oe
Sweetheart: Ku’uipo
Thank you very much: Mahalo Nui Loa
Until we meet again: A hui hou kakou