Wedding Lei Tradition

Planning a Hawaiian Themed Wedding?

You’ve come to the perfect place to get started. Read up on the history of the traditional Hawaiian wedding. Get ideas for creating a beautiful and unique contemporary Hawaiian ceremony. Find helpful tips like how to choose the right lei for each member of your wedding party, or how to instantly make a conventional wedding cake appear Hawaiian by adding one simple ingredient!

Design a Hawaiian Ceremony as Unique as Your Love

With a little imagination, a ceremony can be as distinctive as the couple getting married. There are all sorts of creative ways to personalize your wedding ceremony.

Have your family and friends make a circle of flowers that you and your partner stand in when you say your vows. Simply ask a friend to hold a basket of flowers, instructing each guest to place a flower on the ground (forming a circle) before they take their seats for the ceremony. Perhaps play the Hawaiian Wedding Song while they gather.

Hawaiian Wedding Lei ExchangeA lei exchange between husband and wife is customary in Hawaiian wedding ceremonies, but you can also take it further by presenting leis to your respective new family members, symbolizing the union of two families. There is no right or wrong lei to use in a Hawaiian wedding. You should always go with what you like. Many brides in Hawaii wear a haku lei on their head and/or a white lei around their neck, while the groom will wear the traditional maile lei or a maile-style ti leaf lei (may be wrapped with flowers to match the bride). Single strand orchid leis seem ideal for the bridesmaids, while ti leaf leis may be best for the groomsmen. As for the flower girls, how about a petite rosebud lei, or an angelic haku lei worn on her head? Need a gift for your bridesmaids? Choose a special Hawaiian Gift for each of them! These beautiful little works of art make the perfect Hawaiian wedding favor.


Create a Tropical Wedding Reception Wherever You Are

Whether you’re wedding reception will be indoors or outdoors, it may be easier and more economical than you think to create a tropical paradise, wherever you are!

Tables adorned with a plain white tablecloth can be instantly transformed by adding just a few simple items – place a bud vase containing an elegant orchid spray on top of one or more green ti leaves in the center of the table, then drop loose orchids around the base of the vase.

You don’t have to spend a bundle on a fancy wedding cake either. You can make any cake absolutely stunning by simply decorating it with loose orchids! What could be more beautiful or festive than fresh flowers? Oh, and don’t forget the drinks! Be sure to provide your bartender with some fresh orchids to place on the lip of each cocktail or beverage.

Hawaiian Wedding Traditions

Hawaiians of old Hawaii did not necessarily have a formal wedding ceremony. Young men and women were encouraged to marry only if they were in love. The two were then brought together by a Kahuna with a simple binding of hands using a maile lei, symbolizing their sacred union. The groom then typically moved in with the bride, literally joining her family.

As the influence of the West rapidly affected Hawaiian culture in the 19th Century, traditions were quickly blended with Christianity. Today, many people of Hawaiian ancestry also have at least one other ethnicity. Therefore, there are a wide variety of customs that shape the Hawaiian wedding, including traditions from Japan, China, the Philippines, and more.

Hawaiian Wedding Song

This is the moment
I’ve waited for
I can hear my heart singing
Soon bells will be ringing

This is the moment
Of sweet Aloha
I will love you longer than forever
Promise me that you will leave me never

Here and now dear,
All my love,
I vow dear
Promise me that you will leave me never
I will love you longer than forever

Now that we are one
Clouds won’t hide the sun
Blue skies of Hawaii smile
On this, our wedding day
I do love you with all my heart